JAC Consulting

Consulting Services for Companies Operating in or Expanding into Indonesia

JAC Consulting

Throughout Asia, brands under JAC Group are synonymous with world-class recruitment solutions and critical business support services. Our international offices have been providing many of these services successfully for over a decade, starting with the establishment of our first office in Indonesia.

JAC Consulting helps international businesses move into new regions as seamlessly as possible. Local knowledge and many years of experience allow us to navigate through administrative processes swiftly so that the organisation can rapidly set about establishing a strong market presence. In all the territories where JAC Consulting can be found, close collaboration with other JAC Group brands in that region helps to ensure that every aspect of the organisation’s international expansion and growth can be catered to.

Strengths of JAC Consulting

A Deep Understanding of Local Regulations

The very first JAC Consulting branch was launched in Indonesia, where the complexities of starting a business can seem overwhelming. In fact, it has been said that launching there is virtually impossible without local help. Government regulations in Indonesia are especially challenging – but far less so when working with a team of multilingual experts who can help the organisation navigate the rules with an eye on the firm’s specific needs. Countless organisations have been so receptive to our Indonesian business.

Rapid Access to International Markets

Speed is one of the key factors when launching overseas, and our international JAC Consulting teams lean on their many years of local experience to expedite the organisation’s business ambitions. Whether we are steering an organisation through legislation and compliance or helping the firm to minimise regulatory risks, we strive to streamline all the essential processes that go hand-in-hand with launching a business in a territory that the organisation might not yet be familiar with. We have multiple recorded cases in which we have shaved not just weeks but months off the set-up processes for incoming multinational companies.

A One-stop Solution for Growth-minded Organisation

Through the brands of JAC Consulting, JAC Outsourcing, and JAC Recruitment working closely together, we bring a comprehensive one-stop solution to our clients. This unified approach ensures that organisations can access a range of services seamlessly. JAC Consulting offers strategic guidance and business solutions, JAC Outsourcing provides services such as Employer of Record (EOR), payroll, accounting, and tax support, while JAC Recruitment excels in talent acquisition. By leveraging the expertise of these three brands, we deliver a holistic solution to support our client’s growth and expansion initiatives.