JAC Outsourcing

Outsourcing Services in Indonesia

Business people having a discussion

JAC Outsourcing

Our outsourcing business began in Indonesia, where JAC Group had rapidly become a well-known name in the talent-sourcing arena. That followed the successful launch of the JAC Recruitment office more than 20 years ago. We recognised the need for local talent proficient in essential back-office functions like tax and accounting. JAC Outsourcing swiftly assembled a team of experienced specialists, enabling our clients to focus on business growth while entrusting us with efficient administration.

Driven by increasing demand, we expanded to other territories where the JAC Group operates. JAC Outsourcing offers a comprehensive range of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) solutions, including Employer of Record, accounting such as payroll processing, tax calculations and compliance, employee insurance and benefits, as well as legal assistance. With a primary focus on delivering exceptional services and meeting evolving business needs, the JAC Group provides reliable and comprehensive outsourcing solutions across multiple Asian countries.

Strengths of JAC Outsourcing

Expert Knowledge That Helps You to Function Like a Local

Establishing efficiency in back-office operations is important when operating overseas. But it is not always easily achieved, given the complexities of local customs and regulations. Our goal is to make businesses in Indonesia and the other Asian territories where JAC Outsourcing is offered function as if they were local. By leaning on the inside knowledge and experience of our teams – highly skilled individuals who are, more often than not, native to the country in which they work -- we take away the strain when it comes to your back-office requirements.

Also, languages are never a barrier when collaborating with us. In addition to English speakers, we have a growing number of local-language-speaking professionals to ensure that communications never falter.

An Efficient Troubleshooting Solution

Organisations that have relied on an outsourcing company for back-office functions often find the “big-picture” business support they get is somewhat lacking. In such cases, they may have to turn to one of the large accounting firms for management advice and for important conversations about tackling potential problems. JAC Outsourcing can cover those bases by providing high-quality advice and consultation on business improvement.

One incredibly important service that we offer is known as Employer of Record, or EOR. This allows local professionals to be used as full-time employees even before officially opening a local subsidiary or representative office. EOR has been well received by our clients and allows businesses to prepare for launching in entirely new markets.

Tow business people are discussing a desk

A Critical Component in a Wider Business Story

Some see outsourcing solely in functional terms. They perceive it as a means to delegate tasks in response to time constraints. While JAC Outsourcing comfortably fills such roles, we also go above and beyond what an organisation might have expected from a traditional outsourcing company.

As mentioned, we are at home offering business advice. We consult on everything from ways to increase sales and reduce costs to new business ideas and general troubleshooting. The benefits of working with JAC Outsourcing become especially evident when the capabilities of the wider JAC Group are factored into the equation. In a growing number of Asian territories, the JAC Group now has a host of interconnected brands that work seamlessly with each other to support business needs. JAC Outsourcing is a critical part of this mix.

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