18 April 2024

Trends in the Recruitment and Job Placement Market in Malaysia, January-March 2024

Trends in the Recruitment and Job Placement Market in Malaysia, January-March 2024

Malaysia: Economic Growth is Leading to a Steady Recovery in the Labor Market

Number of job offers YOY:88%
Number of job openings YOY (past 3 years):

Apr - JunJul - SepOct - DecJan - MarApr - JunJul - SepOct - DecJan - MarApr - JunJul - SepOct - DecJan - Mar

< Market Overview in Malaysia >

The Malaysian economy performed strongly in the first quarter of 2024, outpacing growth forecasts for the ASEAN region as a whole. GDP is projected to grow by 5%, exceeding the ASEAN estimate of 4.8%. 

Malaysia is leading the region in economic growth due to factors such as the ongoing semiconductor boom, strong consumer demand for US goods, and high demand for travel and services. This growth forecast is largely in line with the Malaysian central bank's expectations, suggesting a positive outlook for the economy next year. 

Inflation is expected to remain stable at 2.5% in 2024, although there are concerns about potential risks, such as the government's planned changes to subsidy distribution methods. 

Additionally, external factors such as global commodity price fluctuations, a slowdown in the Chinese economy, and uncertainties surrounding the US presidential election could pose challenges to Malaysia's growth. However, Malaysia is expected to benefit from rising semiconductor sales, which are projected to peak by the end of the year.

< Local Hiring Trends among Companies in Malaysia >

Malaysia's labor market is showing signs of recovery, with unemployment at a low of 3.3% and the number of employees growing steadily by 2% year-on-year. While slightly higher than the pre-pandemic average of 2019, the number of unemployed has decreased by nearly 5% from last year, reaching 567,000 in January 2024, indicating an improvement. 

It is interesting to note that employees working in the private sector account for the majority, at around 75.2%, and have increased by about 1.3% year-on-year. This strengthening of the labor market is not only beneficial for individual job seekers but also likely to boost consumer spending and ultimately support economic growth this year. 

Furthermore, the number of job openings in Malaysia in January 2024 has recovered to around 94,100, suggesting an improving situation for those seeking new opportunities.

< Job -Seeker Trends in Malaysia >

Job seekers are actively responding to the revitalising job market. They recognise the need for continuous learning and skill development to adapt to the dynamic environment and remain competitive as sought-after talent. They are actively exploring ways to broaden their skill sets, such as taking various training courses and workshops, learning new software programs, and considering specific upskilling or reskilling opportunities. 

By proactively seeking opportunities to upgrade their skills and acquire new ones, job seekers not only enhance their professional capabilities but also demonstrate their investment in personal growth and self-development.

Nick Taylor

JAC Recruitment Malaysia Managing Director
Nick Taylor

■JAC Recruitment Malaysia Overview

■JAC Recruitment Malaysia Website

【JAC Recruitment Asia: Job Listing Comparison Report (Previous Quarter and YOY)】

 Change from previous period(Oct-Dec)Year-on-year comparison

*Recruitment Related to Overseas Operations of Japanese Companies
Note: The number of job openings in each Asian country may fluctuate due to deliberate strategies implemented by individual Asian companies (such as focusing on high-paying job openings or specialist positions). Therefore, changes in the number of job openings in each Asian country do not directly reflect the performance of each company.